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012 - Dr Vanessa Johnson | imposter syndrome | handling stress | attitude journal | mental health
012 - Dr Vanessa Johnson | imposter syndrome | handling str…
As you’ll hear from Vanessa’s accent – she’s not a kiwi - she left her family and friends in Canada to come to New Zealand 8 years ago to f…
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Feb. 2, 2021

012 - Dr Vanessa Johnson | imposter syndrome | handling stress | attitude journal | mental health

012 - Dr Vanessa Johnson | imposter syndrome | handling stress | attitude journal | mental health

As you’ll hear from Vanessa’s accent – she’s not a kiwi - she left her family and friends in Canada to come to New Zealand 8 years ago to fulfil her dreams of studying in NZ to become a veterinarian … she’s lived here ever since!

Vanessa is a recent Massey University graduate with 3 years experience who works in a busy South Auckland practice as their fulltime companion animal veterinarian. 

When she’s not working, she keeps active at the gym, and enjoys learning Japanese and water-colour painting. 

Dr. Vanessa’s partner is a nurse who’s about to undertake the daunting challenge of med school this month.  

Vanessa believes having a great support network and forming good mental health habits is instrumental to success.

Today we’re going to learn of some of the good mental habits Vanessa has formed and the benefits she’s noticed from having them as part of her life.  

She shares what she does when she notices thoughts of Imposter Syndrome, negativity and the importance of keeping a Gratitude Journal as a part of her every day life.

Vanessa Johnson is very candid, vulnerable and honest about life for her as a veterinarian through 2020 and into January 2021.    

Here are my six takeaways from this chat with Vanessa – I’m really interested to hear what was most significant for you and what particularly struck a chord in your life which you might adopt.

1.       Exercise – design your own version of a Stomp Around the Block as your way of decompressing at the end of each day.  


2.       Find someone to share the ups and the downs of your day – every day.   

Clear the cache of your mind each day so you don’t bet bogged down in the ikky stuff.

3.       Look for the good every day – attitude of gratitude journal.   

Like Vanessa said:  some people have to watch what they eat, others have to watch what they think.  I have to watch both!

4.       Stay tuned to the thoughts going through your head – reset your brain when you start to hear Imposter-Syndrome type self-chatter going on.  

5.       Get away from

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