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014 - Covid-19 vaccine rollout - can employers mandate - the jab or my job?
014 - Covid-19 vaccine rollout - can employers mandate - th…
Now that there’s talk the Covid-19 vaccine being rolled out in Godzone Aotearoa New Zealand – and with a bit more of a concrete timeline th…
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Feb. 11, 2021

014 - Covid-19 vaccine rollout - can employers mandate - the jab or my job?

014 - Covid-19 vaccine rollout - can employers mandate - the jab or my job?

Now that there’s talk the Covid-19 vaccine being rolled out in Godzone Aotearoa New Zealand – and with a bit more of a concrete timeline than we’ve had before, can your employer give you an ultimatum – the jab or your job?

Employers cannot force medication or any kind of medical choice onto staff.  If they do, they’re breaching the NZ Bill of Rights Act.

Many employers offer flu jabs free of charge – these are solely at the discretion of each individual employee whether to accept or not.   

However, the Covid-19 vaccine is going to be free anyway – because the object of the game is to strive for herd immunity in NZ.  So that leverage doesn’t exist with this vaccine.

As an employee, you have the personal right to refuse (or decline) on a number of fronts.  They are:

  • personal choice, 
  • health, 
  • beliefs or religion, 

and all of these mean you're protected by law against being disadvantaged or discriminated against if you choose not to have the vaccine. 

Of course, an uninformed – or heavy handed – employer may threaten to terminate or disadvantage employees who won’t get vaccinated.  If they do that, they’re skating on very thin ice because, legally, they cannot do that – it contravenes the NZ Bill of Rights Act.

If, as an employee, you find yourself in that position of having to choose your job (or another perk on offer) OR your job, you then have the right to take a personal grievance out against your employer.  

Justification and process

When it comes to “justification” – they’re looking at is the:

  • Employer reasonably justified in taking the action they have?
  • Employee reasonably justified in the action they took?

To defend their justification, they’ll have to look at the potential risks faced in the circumstances. 

Having COVID-19 and potentially another lockdown is not what anyone wants.  The justification could the the cost of human life.  

Because anything to do with Health and Safety usually outweighs everything else in Employment Law when lives are at stake, this would indic

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