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021 - Dr Rose Unsworth - what it's like working in New Zealand as an overseas qualified veterinarian
021 - Dr Rose Unsworth - what it's like working in New Zeal…
What's it like working in New Zealand as an overseas-qualified veterinarian? This episode is the first in the library collection about what…
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March 30, 2021

021 - Dr Rose Unsworth - what it's like working in New Zealand as an overseas qualified veterinarian

021 - Dr Rose Unsworth - what it's like working in New Zealand as an overseas qualified veterinarian

What's it like working in New Zealand as an overseas-qualified veterinarian?

This episode is the first in the library collection about what it’s like for an overseas-qualified veterinarian to work in New Zealand as a veterinarian.  Because, as I’m sure you know, not all overseas qualified veterinarians can actually work here as a veterinarian without re-qualifying first.

Dr Rose Unsworth and I talked about all sorts of things:  

  • the differences in pet insurance uptake and how that manifests in-clinic,  
  • different induction processes for locums at different clinics,
  • and the varying health & safety rules and regs in different parts of the world.

If you’re listening to this show and you’d like to work as a veterinarian in New Zealand please get in touch with me - I’ll put all of my contact details on the show notes page for this episode – but if you have pen and paper handy right now, you can email me at

Likewise, if you’re an overseas qualified veterinarian working Downunder and would like to share your experiences as a guest, please get in touch, because I’d love to have you on the show.   

Topics covered:

  • 35, 40, 45 & longer working weeks
  • working with pet insurance and working without pet insurance
  • going on call outs by yourself
  • health & safety - limits to how much you can lift
  • paperwork - who does what
  • is there a vet nurse shortage in New Zealand
  • how providing excellent mentorship requires more experienced veterinarians
  • job satisfaction - what it is and what it isn't

To get in touch with Julie South:

WhatsApp:  +6427 282 4155  

Companion Animal Vacancy at Vet Marlborough - contact Julie South or Isobel Cooper for more info.

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