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023 - Dr Alejandra Arbe-Montoya - Veterinarian Moral Distress, Moral Conflict & Conscientious Objection
023 - Dr Alejandra Arbe-Montoya - Veterinarian Moral Distre…
Dr Alejandra Arbe-Montoya a PhD candidate from the University of Adelaide and Julie South discuss: Why veterinarians are leaving clinical p…
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April 13, 2021

023 - Dr Alejandra Arbe-Montoya - Veterinarian Moral Distress, Moral Conflict & Conscientious Objection

023 - Dr Alejandra Arbe-Montoya - Veterinarian Moral Distress, Moral Conflict & Conscientious Objection

Dr Alejandra Arbe-Montoya a PhD candidate from the University of Adelaide and Julie South discuss:

  • Why veterinarians are leaving clinical practice,
  • Moral Distress – what it is and why it needs to be included as part of the curriculum at vet school,
  • How setting personal boundaries can help when you find yourself morally distressed,
  • What types of communication you need to practice,
  • How to handle Moral Conflict, and
  • What being a Conscientious Objector means in the veterinary context.

When Dr Ale's not doing her PhD research, she works as an emergency and critical care companion animal veterinarian in Adelaide, Australia. 

A few years back, Ale was close to calling it quits on her veterinary career.  She’d had enough and wanted out.   Not any more - today she's a staunch advocate in improving veterinary wellbeing in-clinic!

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Companion Animal Vacancy at Vet Marlborough - contact Julie South or Isobel Cooper for more info.

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