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025 - Dr Steve Merchant - IndieVets Q&A
025 - Dr Steve Merchant - IndieVets Q&A
IndieVets - the collaborative and expanding group of independently owned and operated kiwi veterinary clinics - opened its doors early in 2…
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April 27, 2021

025 - Dr Steve Merchant - IndieVets Q&A

025 - Dr Steve Merchant - IndieVets Q&A

IndieVets - the collaborative and expanding group of independently owned and operated kiwi veterinary clinics - opened its doors early in 2021.

Its ethos is "local vets for local pets".

Julie asks Steve:

  1. What does he say to those people who think he sold out on the whole local thing because he created, then sold, Pet Doctors to an Aussie ASX corporate?
  2. Will he sell IndieVets?  How can he guarantee that?
  3. Why should independently owned and operated clinics join IndieVets - what's in it for them?
  4. How much does it cost to join?


To honour World Veterinary Day - which got a bit overshadowed in New Zealand with Anzac Day commemorations, VetStaff is giving away a free lunch to one lucky kiwi veterinary clinic.

To enter simply answer two questions correctly and email your answers to

Question #1

What did Steve say was on first page of the IndieVets agreement?

Question #2

What idea did Steve suggest ex business owners could do once they’ve sold their independent practices?  

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Companion Animal Vacancy at Vet Marlborough - contact Julie South or Isobel Cooper for more info.

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