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033 - Dr Bryan Gregor - Veterinarian and host of The VetPodcast - part 2 of 2
033 - Dr Bryan Gregor - Veterinarian and host of The VetPod…
This is part 2 of my catch up with (retired) veterinarian Dr Bryan Gregor . If you’ve been listening to my podcasts for the last 7 episodes…
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June 14, 2021

033 - Dr Bryan Gregor - Veterinarian and host of The VetPodcast - part 2 of 2

033 - Dr Bryan Gregor - Veterinarian and host of The VetPodcast - part 2 of 2

This is part 2 of my catch up with (retired) veterinarian Dr Bryan Gregor.

If you’ve been listening to my podcasts for the last 7 episodes or so, you’ll have heard me talk about the fan girl moment I had when Dr Bryan Gregor – show host of the VetPodcast called me out of the blue to talk ‘podcasting’.

The Vetpodcast and Paws Claws & Wet Noses have complementary audiences - plus we're both a bit geeky when it comes to things podcast-y.

As I’ve said a few times, The VetPodcast is where Paws Claws &  Wet Noses dreams of being when it grows up.

Today Bryan and I talk podcasting so if you’re thinking of starting your own podcast then this show is definitely for you.  

Your podcast can be about anything that interests you – it doesn’t have to be veterinary-based.

One of the things I’m regularly amazed at is the personal talent that exists inside a vet clinic in someone’s private lives.   Some people do absolutely amazing things.   They have really interesting hobbies and skills that have nothing to do with being a veterinary professional. 

In this show Bryan shares what life as a podcaster has been like for him.

He talks about being offered early shares in Twitter – way before the rest of us had even heard of Twitter and how he said no because he didn’t think such a crazy idea would take off!

He talks about the really interesting veterinarians he’s met and the different fields of expertise they work in.

The Vetpodcast is available wherever you get your podcasts from.


Podcast host






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