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037 - 15 signs it's time to look for another veterinary clinic job
037 - 15 signs it's time to look for another veterinary cli…
15 signs it’s time to change jobs + 4 next steps 1. By the time Sunday night comes around, you’re in “dread mode” – you dread going t…
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July 13, 2021

037 - 15 signs it's time to look for another veterinary clinic job

037 - 15 signs it's time to look for another veterinary clinic job

15 signs it’s time to change jobs + 4 next steps

1.       By the time Sunday night comes around, you’re in “dread mode” – you dread going to work on Mondays

2.       Time drags – you struggle to immerse yourself and be in the zone like you used to

3.       Little things start getting you down and you no longer believe in the clinic like you used to … favouritism, perhaps things don’t get fixed fast – it’s always been like that but now it starts to get you down … there’s never any money for upgrades – that didn’t bother you before but now it’s really starting to grind you down.

4.       There’s no sense of team or unity and it feels like everything is about to implode.  There’s no leadership – everyone’s pulling in different directions and/or allowed to get away with blue murder – tardiness, not following SOPs, lateness, questionable ethics, bullying

5.       You feel like you’re not growing professionally and there’s little chance of anything changing in the near future.  You could do your current role with your hands tied behind your back and blindfolded – there’s no longer the challenge of growing and/or doing better

6.       You feel invisible …unappreciated… taken for granted

7.       Technology is advancing but you’re getting left behind

8.       You have to fight and argue for CPD investment 

9.       Your life is totally out of balance

10.   You no longer feel you’re being recompensed / rewarded for what you’re doing – on-call, a/h, etc

11.   You often think things like “what’s the point?”, “why do I bother?” “what’s going to change?”, “why am I here?”

12.   You see others getting ahead, getting the good jobs, getting the CPD but you’re being left behind

13.   Your role has slowly morphed into something you don’t like / want to do and you have no idea how that happened … little tweaks over time and you’re where you are now

14.   You’ve noticed an uptake in your personal life of things that don’t support you in being the best you can be:  weight gain / excessive loss, smoking, drugs, alcohol, depression, apathy, and other self-destructive behavi

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Julie South:

welcome to episode37.of Paws Claws and Wet Noses the veterinary podcast,celebrating all creatures great and small.And the fantabulous professionals who look after them all.I'm your show host Julie South.Today,we are going to be looking at the15signs that it's time to change your job or the15symptoms that you could be experiencing that.will indicate it's time to,to move on,to change your job.And then the four next steps that you can do to get back into control of your life.

Bryan Gregor:

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Julie South:

paws,claws and wet noses is sponsored by VetStaff.If you've never heard of VetStaff,it's New Zealand's only full service recruitment agency.100%dedicated to the veterinary sector VetStaff has been around since2015and works nationwide from Cape Reinga to the bluff and everywhere in between as well as helping Kiwis VetStaff also helps overseas,qualified veterinarians find workin Aotearoa New are the15symptoms that indicate it's time for you to consider a job change?Let's have a look at them and no order of priority because they're personal for each individual.Number one,this happens on Sunday night.Or whenever your first day back at work is after time off and the case of Monday being the beginning of your work week by the time Sunday night comes around,you are in dread mode.You dread going to work on Mondays.Number tow time drags.And that's because you struggle to immerse yourself to get back into the zone or to get into the zone like you did when everything was exciting and new.So time drags..Number three,the little things start getting you down and you no longer believe in the clinic.Like you used to,perhaps it's favoritism that might've been just like water off a Duck's back prior,perhaps things get broken and don't get fixed fast.It's always been like that,but now it really starts to drag into with them.And to become heavy and you're over it.It might be that people are moaning,that there's never any money for upgrade.That things are really tight,blah,blah,blah.You didn't bother you before,but now it does.Number four.There's no sense of team or unity.And it feels like everything is about to implode.There's no leadership everyone's pulling in different directions and,or some people are allowed to get a ride with blue murder tardiness,perhaps not following SLPs,lateness.Questionable ethics,bullying that doesn't get addressed.You're over it.Totally over it.Number five.You feel like you're not growing professionally and there's little chance of anything changing in the near future.It could be that you could do your current role with your hands tied behind your back and blindfolded.Obviously,metaphorically speaking,there's no longer the challenge of growing or that you want to do better or could do better.Number six,you feel invisible.And appreciated taken for granted.Number seven,technology is advancing,but your getting left behind number eight,when it comes to CPD,you have to fight and argue and defend every dollar that you ask for,for CPD investment on your behalf.Number nine,your life is totally out away.You are so far out of balance that you have no idea how you're standing upright,because it feels like you're about to fall over or collapse or implode or meltdown.You're no longer number10.You no longer feel that you're being recompensed or rewarded for what you're doing.And by this,I mean,it's things like the hips on core after hours,those times when you stay late,because there's a sudden emergency that walks through the door just as you're about to lock up.But nobody says thank you in any way.Number11.You often think what's the point?Why do I bother?What's going to change?Why am I here now?It's okay to think like that from time to time,because it's a good way to,to cheek and reassess.But if those thoughts are coming into your mind more and more often than it could be time to reconsider.Number12.You see others getting ahead,getting the good jobs,the good assignments,the interesting cases,getting the CPD,but you feel like you're being left behind.Number13,your role has slowly morphed into something that you no longer recognize,or you don't like.You don't know what to do about it.You have no idea how it happened.It's just,you know,the,the boiling frog syndrome,little things have happened over time.Little tweaks have been made perhaps without consultation,perhaps with consultation.And you think I as just something small,I can,I can handle it this time,but there have been so many of those little tweaks over time.And you are now where you are right now and you don't like it.Number14,you've noticed an uptake in your personal life or things that don't support you in being the best that you absolutely can.Bay,perhaps food has been your go-to.I know that happens for me.Has it been a weight gain or an excessive loss?Because perhaps you stop eating.What about smoking drugs of any kind.Alcohol depression,empathy and other self destructive behaviors.If you've got those happening in your life,it's time to reassess.And the last one,number four,Dane,the S Ken bay,the clicker,the real determination even F your salary was say increased by50%.Or100%,you'd still feel the same way about what you're doing and where you're at.So even if your salary was doubled,you don't know that you would stay.What can you do about that?All of those15things,any of those15things,and let's have a look at it.Changing jobs is a big decision.It's a huge decision.It's one of those.Life-changing events.That's up there with being one of the top stressors in anyone's life.Now,if you recognize any of the,the above symptoms,it's time for you to sit down and reevaluate where you're at.If you're a Viton area,a veterinary nurse,or a veterinary tick,you are unlikely to ever be unemployed.However,that doesn't need mean that you need to take the first job that's offered to you.Especially,if you feel that all clinics are the same,if that's the case,if you feel like you're not good at making career choices or sound and good career choices,then it's time for you and I to have a serious chat about your expectations.And dare I say it,perhaps your editing.Yes,sadly,there are some sucky clinics out there,but there are also some absolutely really amazing clinics who100%care and love their teams.There's a saying that we don't see the world as it is.We see the world as we are.I believe this many people can be exempt in exactly the same situation,but experience it differently.Therefore,if you keep going from one sucky clinic to another sucky clinic,maybe just,maybe it's not the clinic,maybe it's something that could change with you.Now I realize that's pretty controversial and straight in your face.And some people won't like that.But if that's you,I just ask you to consider it as a possibility.That's all that.It's not them that maybe it's you,but back to what you can do about where you are right now,here are four things that you can do to take back control of your feelings around your job.Number one,look at what you do.Like sometimes when we are caught up in stuff that we don't like,it's hard to find even a little bit of joy because it's the bed stuff that weighs us down and kids repeating in our heads over and over and over again.And when that happens,it's time to start looking for some good stuff.It's time for the reframe.It doesn't matter what the good Stouffer's find some and then hold onto this thought pattern.Focusing on the negative just leads to more negative.That's a,here's what you do.You start a page in your journal,you open a blank document or you start a note,something where you can write down what you enjoy about what you do.It could be the location of your clinic that may be,you can maybe just maybe walk or ride to work.It might be the clients or the toys or the hours.The fact that there's no after hours or on-call,it could be your peers and your colleagues,the fact that you're working for a corporate or an independent,whichever one of these,that as that lights you up.The money or other part of your remuneration package,it could be the layout of the clinic,but find something,something,something,something,one thing to start with and then start looking for more and build from there.You want to start looking for something positive because it stops it,that negative loop.Number two,determine what your dream job looks like,because if you don't know what you're looking for,you'll never know when you find it.Open another blank file document or a page and start writing down everything you would like in your dream job.Sit no limitations.The sky is the limit.That's up to you.Be very,very specific though.Identify the aspects that are the deal breakers for you.For example,if you won't consider anything under,I don't know,X dollars an hour,then get very clear on that.And the reason for this is if that,if you can start prioritizing,you'll be absolutely clear on what you're prepared to negotiate on and what you're not.So start writing a list on what things you want in your next job,so that your next job,your next move will be what you want.Number three,what would need to change for you to stay after you've identified the things that you enjoy about your current position?And you've got a list of what your next move looks like.Where's the crossover.Where are those two bits and to seek,can you go C8changing what you don't like about your current position?So it becomes your dream job.Obviously,some things are harder to change than others.Cultural change.That's when things are about to absolutely impact,it takes a lot more effort and may be beyond the ability or the inclination of the current managers.And maybe it's outside your timeframe too,unless you're an absolutely nightmarish employee.Who's responsible for the toxic environment at your clinic,then it's highly likely that your current clinic would prefer to see whether your changes,your dream job changes can be made to keep you,rather than losing you.As has already been discussed on other podcasts,for example,episode29and episode36,where it talks about how much it costs a clinic,somewhere between two times and four times an employee's annual salary to replace them.So you can see that it's earn a clinic's best interest to make things work out for you because they won't want to lose it.Unless you're one of the bad guys.So think about what needs to change for you to stay number four,have a chat with your manager or your practice manager or your HR manager,or a lead fit,or somebody who has some influence at your clinic and can bring about change.Now before you go running to him or her with your problems,spend some time looking at what possible solutions would be acceptable to you because no one likes having a whole bunch of problems loaded and dumped on their desk,but they're more likely to listen with open ears.If you come with solutions,your solutions to each of your problems also.By going armed with solutions.There'll be solutions that you're like not solutions that someone else has come up with that you may not like getting ready for your next move.Now F after all of the above,you decide that it's actually time for you to move on.Then there are some steps you can put in place before you start job hunting.The first thing to do is to dust the cobwebs and the dust off your CV,update your skills,your technology,that you've been used to the software,you use your experience,responsibilities,CPD that you've done,and any additional qualifications that you've got since you first wrote out your CV,when it comes to referees.Number two,start thinking about who your referees are going to be.You don't need to ask them until further down the track and you can check out episode13,1,3for more info on referees and references.Number three,you need to brush up unless you're using an employment agency,you need to brush up on you and your negotiation skills and you can chip it.Check out episode number22.Number four,know what your rights are at job interviews.The law might have changed since you had a job interview.You need to know what you can be legally asked and what you can't check out.Episode26for that number five.This is really important.Check out your public facing social media profiles because perspective employers,as soon as you start applying,there'll be checking you out online.There'll be doing the due diligence.That's one of the first things that Isabella and I do is we go online and we run Google searches,and then we go deeper into.But you can start by before you start looking at your next job,do a Google search on yourself,put your name into Google and bang and other search engines and just see what comes up because what you're looking at could be what a prospective employer might find.And you need to know that it's going to stand you in good Steed,that there are no drunken patties with photos of you laying comatose in a gutter somewhere.Back in your Vaziri days.So check that everything online makes you look good.You also need to check your privacy settings on all your social media accounts.Just to make sure.And at the same time that you are doing all the social stuff,make sure that your LinkedIn profile,if you've got one matches your CV,and if you don't have on LinkedIn profile,then I recommend that you sit one up as well.And again,make sure that it matches your CV.Number six,you need to know what you're worth in today's market.Remember,this is all pre you,applying for your next job.Sure you can ask around,but the best place to know your worth is via a recruitment agency.Colleagues may pump up their own remuneration packages because their own barest to let you know what they're really on a veterinary specialist recruitment agency will be able to give you an honest answer.That's correct.A generalist recruiter,someone who places,anyone,and everyone in any sector.For example,they'll work in entertainment here in beauty,human healthcare,anything other than veterinarian?And just for the record fit staff as New Zealand,only New Zealand veterinarian recruitment specialist.There are other veterinary recruiters who work in New Zealand clinics,but they're all offshore overseas based.We're the only ones that really know the New Zealand market,because this is the only market that we work in.We only work in New Zealand and we only work in the veterinarian.Enough shameless,plugging there.And number seven,the last thing is contact a recruitment agency.Before you do anything else,this is important.We can only get you the best possible job.If you contact us before you do anything before you hit apply,as soon as you hit apply with any of the online job boards,we're unable to help you at that clinic.Seriously,if you want the best job with the best package,then you need to get a recruitment agency.N right at the beginning,I'd love it to be vet staff,but if it's not asked,then make sure it's one of our specialist competitors,because they'll work on your behalf as well.Once you hit the apply button.It's too late.There's very little there.Any recruitment agency can do for you because a clinic won't let us represent you at their clinic.We won't be able to work on your behalf with them.If you recognize any of the symptoms that I've just talked about,then it's time to move on.Please feel free to get in touch.Even if it's just for a chat,I'm happy to be your sounding.Over the last three years,I've spent quite a bit of time on the phone with vets or nurses who are ready to check their job in because they'd had enough.Not all of them ended up resigning.And a couple of instances,I knew the manager and with the,the candidates,the job seekers permission,if it's in the nurse's permission,I was able to talk to the clinic manager or the owner and sort things out so that they didn't resign the clinic.The clinic ended up not having to start recruiting for a replacement.And the employee ended up with the job of the dreams,which was to stay where they already were.I just took a couple of tweaks.There was nothing in it for us.We didn't receive any fee for that,but because we believe in doing the right thing,that's what we always do.So please get in touch with someone,a recruitment agency,preferably us in the first instance.Okay,thank you for listening.I hope you found this helpful.If you do want to get in touch,then you can email me Julie at dot INSEAD.If you're in New Zealand,you can call me toll free on oh80483869.Or from overseas,you can watch that me on64272824155.All of this info in the episode notes for today's show,which you can find at pours claws,wit noses dot.If em,if you have any topics that you'd especially like me to cover on upcoming shows,then please send me an email.I'm only too happy to do that for you.Pause clause with noses is available on all the major podcast platforms like Spotify.I had apple,Google,et cetera.So make sure you don't miss out on upcoming episodes.Just remember to click the follow button wherever you listen to your podcasts so that each new episode is always delivered to your favorite podcast feed.Take care and paws,claws and wet noses is sponsored by vet staff.If you've never heard of it,staff it's new,Zealand's only full service recruitment agency.100%dedicated to the veterinary sector and Fitz staff has been around since2015and works nationwide from Kate Wrangler to the bluff and everywhere in between as well as helping Kiwis.Also hubs overseas,qualified veterinarians find work and art hero and New Zealand dot.Indeed.