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11 Employment Law Myths Debunked for Vet Clinic Employers and Employees
11 Employment Law Myths Debunked for Vet Clinic Employers a…
Lately I’ve seen a few vets and clinics get caught out by believing one of the many urban myths that surround employment law in NZ so today…
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Nov. 30, 2021

11 Employment Law Myths Debunked for Vet Clinic Employers and Employees

11 Employment Law Myths Debunked for Vet Clinic Employers and Employees

Lately I’ve seen a few vets and clinics get caught out by believing one of the many urban myths that surround employment law in NZ so today, we’re going to put 11 of them to bed so, hopefully, YOU don’t get caught out by them too.   

We’re going to look at the employment law myths that I’ve heard in relation to:

·       Written contracts – or lack thereof

·       Getting fired and how many warnings are required

·       References – what’s required / obligatory / nice to have

·       What an employer can and can’t deduct from an employee’s pay

·       What “authority” employers have over an employee’s social media account

·       How annual leave is calculated in relation to returning from parental leave

·       And restraints of trade – this one I hear just about every.single.week!

Remember – I’m not an employment lawyer – the small print in this episode is always consult with your trusted legal advisor because your situation will be unique.  If you don’t know who you can call, then I’m happy to point you in the direction of a few employer lawyers I know and trust.

Over the next few weeks we’re breaking these myths into bite size pieces on VetStaff's Facebook and Insta pages.  Please - if you haven’t already, like or follow VetStaff there for our easy-to-use employment and recruitment tips, hints and hacks.   


Reference checks - check out episode #13
The Small Business New Zealand Fact Sheet 2020 (published by MBIE)
Legislated High Risk Sectors or Industries (NZ Government Legislation website)

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