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15 Job Interview Questions Job Seekers Can Ask Vet Clinic Interviewers
15 Job Interview Questions Job Seekers Can Ask Vet Clinic I…
At job interviewers, hiring managers / interviewers usually ask "do you have any questions you'd like to ask?". Many people mumble somethin…
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March 29, 2022

15 Job Interview Questions Job Seekers Can Ask Vet Clinic Interviewers

15 Job Interview Questions Job Seekers Can Ask Vet Clinic Interviewers

At job interviewers, hiring managers / interviewers usually ask "do you have any questions you'd like to ask?".

Many people mumble something like "you've answered all my questions" [which may be true] or "no - no questions".

Here are 15 questions across three top level subjects to help job-seekers level out the balance of interviewing "power" that can be assumed at a job interview.

The main question topics relate to the:

  • vet clinic role
  • vet clinic's vision; and
  • vet clinic culture

It’s important to remember that attending a job interview is a two way exchange of information.   It’s easy to think the employer has all the power.   However, in today’s market that’s questionable.  

I (Julie South) believe both parties have equal power when everything is balanced out.

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Companion Animal Vacancy at Vet Marlborough - contact Julie South or Isobel Cooper for more info.

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