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4 case studies of successful pay raises for vets and vet nurses
4 case studies of successful pay raises for vets and vet nu…
VetStaff does more than flick job seekers' CV onto vet clinics like their competitors - who then leave the job seeker to negotiate everythi…
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April 26, 2022

4 case studies of successful pay raises for vets and vet nurses

4 case studies of successful pay raises for vets and vet nurses

VetStaff does more than flick job seekers' CV onto vet clinics like their competitors - who then leave the job seeker to negotiate everything for themselves.
VetStaff helps clinics with reputation misinformation - for example the false rumour of CCTVs in restrooms!

Case Study #1

  • 6-month new grad looking for her second job
  • VetStaff were given five days to organise a job interview
    • in four days they had three interviews 
    • job offer was signed within a week
    • $21kpa increase on what she was earning
    • Clinic didn't realise job offers could be made up the way this one was

Case Study #2

  • Locum vet who wanted a permanent position
  • Was being pressured to sign an offer the vet had arranged themselves
  • VetStaff organised two job offers over a long weekend - both at $30kpa more than the original offer

Case Study #3

  • Vet wanted to negotiate a pay increase at her annual review
    • didn't know what she was worth or where to start
    • Julie sent her away with 'homework' which she did
    • role played through different negotiation scenarios
    • Vet walked out with $20kpa increase

Case Study #4

  • Vet Nurse wanted to negotiate pay increase at her annual review
    • didn't know what she was worth or where to start
    • Julie sent her away with 'homework' - which she did
    • role played through different negotiation scenarios
    • VN walked out with a $5ph pay increase.

In this episode Julie talks about:

  • information you need to know to successfully negotiate a pay increase
  • why you need to start planning months in advance
  • why it's important you know your 'numbers' before you start negotiating
leading veterinary sector recruitment in New Zealand | veterinarians | locums | nurses

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Companion Animal Vacancy at Vet Marlborough - contact Julie South or Isobel Cooper for more info.

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This is what VetStaff is really good at so if you'd like to stretch your recruitment dollar, please get in touch with Julie because this is something VetStaff can help you with.

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