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5 steps to creating an Employer Value Proposition (EVP) that attracts high performers
5 steps to creating an Employer Value Proposition (EVP) tha…
EVP – Employee Value Proposition – the tacit understanding about how an employer treats its employees What an employer promises its employe…
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Sept. 20, 2022

5 steps to creating an Employer Value Proposition (EVP) that attracts high performers

5 steps to creating an Employer Value Proposition (EVP) that attracts high performers

EVP – Employee Value Proposition – the tacit understanding about how an employer treats its employees

What an employer promises its employees goes beyond the legal requirements of being paid for the work done (by the employee) and the health and safety obligations employers have.

It’s about whether your clinic allows a blind eye to be turned when someone’s bullied … or a sexist, ageist or racist comment is made … it’s about whether you might experience an eye-roll because you’re taking your break but no one else does …

In addition, your clinic’s EVP covers the monetary and non-monetary benefits it provides to its employees.

5 components of EVP – Employee Value Proposition

  1. Remuneration (or compensation) package
  2. Benefits
  3. Career Development
  4. Clinic Environment
  5. Clinic Culture

6 steps to EVP development and implementation at your vet clinic

  1. Identify what your clinic currently offers
  2. Get feedback from employees (past and present)
  3. Identify and define the key points to include in the EVP
  4. Draft your EVP –  Check it out with your team (rinse and repeat if necessary)
  5. Start using it
  6. Test, measure and re-evaluate your EVP
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