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8 questions vet clinics need to ask (with answers) before working with a recruitment agency - ep 083
8 questions vet clinics need to ask (with answers) before w…
Part 2 of the "Qs to A recruitment agencies before working with them" series. This episode specifically for the vet clinic - the HR manager…
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May 31, 2022

8 questions vet clinics need to ask (with answers) before working with a recruitment agency - ep 083

8 questions vet clinics need to ask (with answers) before working with a recruitment agency - ep 083

Part 2 of the "Qs to A recruitment agencies before working with them" series.

This episode specifically for the vet clinic - the HR manager, the Practice Manager, Lead Veterinarian or Veterinary Nurse who's charged with "recruitment" inside a vet clinic.

In this episode Julie South of VetStaff details the questions you need to ask and the answers you need to listen out for.

The questions are:

1.       Is the agency a specialist or generalist? Check out their website

2.       What exactly do you get for the fee they charge?   

3.       Does the agency get the job seeker’s permission to send YOU THEIR CV?

4.       Referees – who does them?

5.       Contract negotiation

6.       After the new employee starts

7.       Professional coaching for the first three months after the new employee starts

8.       Protect your clinic’s brand by hiring the right recruitment partner

leading veterinary sector recruitment in New Zealand | veterinarians | locums | nurses

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Companion Animal Vacancy at Vet Marlborough - contact Julie South or Isobel Cooper for more info.

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