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9 behaviour based job interview questions for veterinary professionals
9 behaviour based job interview questions for veterinary pr…
9 behaviour focussed job interview questions that job seekers roll their eyes at, and interviewers feel they must ask. One vet told me a co…
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March 15, 2022

9 behaviour based job interview questions for veterinary professionals

9 behaviour based job interview questions for veterinary professionals

9 behaviour focussed job interview questions that job seekers roll their eyes at, and interviewers feel they must ask.  

One vet told me a couple of years’ back that she declined a job because she didn’t like the soft and fluffy questions “someone from HR” asked her. 

In the vet’s opinion the questions she was asked did nothing to prove or disprove she was a good vet.  Which is a fair comment.

However, what behaviour focussed job interview questions help uncover or determine is fit – will the fit between the job applicant and the hiring clinic be a match made in heaven or an absolute disaster.

Questions for the vet clinic to ask the vet med professional

9 behaviour based questions are for the clinic to ask the job applicant.  

If you’re an HR or Practice Manager, here are nine main questions + follow-up questions you can ask interviewees.  

If you’re a vet or nurse considering your next move, and you’ve got an interview or two coming up, then this is for you too because they give you an idea of the type of questions you might be asked and how you might answer them. 

Listen to the podcast to hear what the follow up questions are under these top level behaviours.

#1 - Problem solving skills interview questions

Tell me about a time when you had to come up with a new way of doing something during lockdown...

#2 - Personal Responsibility interview questions

Tell me about a time when you made the wrong call and something didn’t turn out quite as you’d planned…

#3 - Adaptability skills interview questions

Tell me about an unexpected challenge you were faced with during lockdown…

#4 - Confrontation skills interview questions

Tell me about how you’d tell someone on your team what they’re doing isn’t working. What do you do when you need to give constructive feedback?

#5 - Compatibility skills interview questions

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