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9 questions vet med professionals should ask a recruitment agency before working with them
9 questions vet med professionals should ask a recruitment …
Not all recruitment agencies are created equal. Some recruitment agencies use the "spray and pray" method. They'll get a job-seeker's C…
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May 24, 2022

9 questions vet med professionals should ask a recruitment agency before working with them

9 questions vet med professionals should ask a recruitment agency before working with them

Not all recruitment agencies are created equal.   Some recruitment agencies use the "spray and pray" method.   They'll get a job-seeker's CV, then spray it all over town (to their database) and leave it to the employer - the vet clinic - to do contact the CV owner, set up the interview, interview, and negotiate direct.

Recruitment agencies that do this could be breaching the NZ Privacy Act, which states that a recruitment agency needs to seek permission to share info from the job seeker before releasing it.    I'm not sure a "global disclaimer" is quite what the Privacy Commissioner has in mind with "get permission to share info".

Sending your CV all over town is nothing you can't do yourself.   But if you want more support, coaching, negotiating input and then onboarding support at your new job, you need to find a recruitment agency that does this as standard.   

VetStaff is a full-service recruitment agency - it means we do all of this and more.

Here are 9 questions job seekers should ask a recruitment agency before working with them:

  1. Is the agency a specialist or generalist?
  2. Interview process by them
  3. What is their process for applying for jobs on your behalf? – NZ Privacy Act
  4. Do they provide Interview Coaching?
  5. Will they give you Interview Feedback?
  6. How do they approach your referees – what permission do they seek?
  7. Will they negotiate your contract for you?
  8. What steps do they take to help with onboarding at your new job?
  9. Do they provide professional coaching after you start at your new job as a way of supporting you and your career?

Next week we'll look at questions vet clinics should ask a recruitment agency before they start working with them.

leading veterinary sector recruitment in New Zealand | veterinarians | locums | nurses

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Companion Animal Vacancy at Vet Marlborough - contact Julie South or Isobel Cooper for more info.

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