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Balancing Act: 7 Tips for Work-Life Balance for Introverts and Extroverts - ep 129
Balancing Act: 7 Tips for Work-Life Balance for Introverts …
Are you struggling to juggle your professional and personal life? Do you feel like you're missing out on the things that matter most? Wheth…
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April 18, 2023

Balancing Act: 7 Tips for Work-Life Balance for Introverts and Extroverts - ep 129

Balancing Act: 7 Tips for Work-Life Balance for Introverts and Extroverts - ep 129

Are you struggling to juggle your professional and personal life?

Do you feel like you're missing out on the things that matter most?

Whether you're an
introvert or an extrovert, finding the right balance can be a challenge.

Here are 7 practical strategies tailored to your intro or extro “vert” personality-type that can help you create the balance you've been dreaming of.

A lot of people think that introversion and extroversion is the difference between being shy or not.   Between being able to walk up to a stranger and say hi… or to have the ability to speak in public.

It’s none of those because both can relate to either of those scenarios. 

It’s all about how we each recharge ourselves and maintain our focus.

The suffix vert in introversion and extroversion comes from the Latin word vertere which means to turn

In this context, it's about the direction in which your energy is turned or directed - inward or outward.

Having work-life balance refers to the equilibrium between your professional and personal life and whether you’re able to effectively manage both aspects without one negatively impacting the other. 

Work life balance means different things for different people.  Each person’s balance varies and is dependent on your priorities, needs, and values. 

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