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Conference Competitions and Conservation + Dr Jane Ough - pt 1 of 3
Conference Competitions and Conservation + Dr Jane Ough - p…
Dr Jane Ough is a Senior Companion Animal Veterinarian at South Wairarapa Veterinary Services. Dr Jane’s time and pathway to the veterinari…
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June 28, 2022

Conference Competitions and Conservation + Dr Jane Ough - pt 1 of 3

Conference Competitions and Conservation + Dr Jane Ough - pt 1 of 3

Dr Jane Ough is a Senior Companion Animal Veterinarian at South Wairarapa Veterinary Services.   

Dr Jane’s time and pathway to the veterinarian she is today is quite different from the usual career path of veterinarians.  

She’s from the BVSc Massey class of 1982.   

Today, Dr Jane enjoys orthopaedic surgery especially mending broken farm dogs. 

Dr Ough became concerned about climate change when her two daughters were children.   She gained a diploma in Environment and Sustainability when her children were little, through the Open Polytech in 2010. 

Dr Jane is a passionate conservationist.   And I mean passionate!  She and her partner Jeremy have retired two thirds of their small farm in the Wairarapa and covenanted it with the Queen Elizabeth II Trust. 

Working one day a week for QE2 for 2 years Dr Jane said improved her understanding of native forest regeneration.   She now spends this day a week on her own covenant, and, working with the local catchment group, helped set up and is helping South Wairarapa Veterinary Services take Climate Crisis Action to run a more sustainable business.   

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