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Decoding DISC Leadership - Understanding the “METHODICAL LEADER” style - 6/8
Decoding DISC Leadership - Understanding the “METHODICAL LE…
Send us a Text Message. Have you ever found yourself navigating the intricacies of a leader who thrives on structure, processes, and doing …
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May 14, 2024

Decoding DISC Leadership - Understanding the “METHODICAL LEADER” style - 6/8

Decoding DISC Leadership - Understanding the “METHODICAL LEADER” style - 6/8

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Have you ever found yourself navigating the intricacies of a leader who thrives on structure, processes, and doing things by the book?

I, Julie South, invite you to delve into the fascinating world of the Methodical Leader in our latest podcast episode.

We explore the systematic and detail-oriented nature of these individuals, examining how their commitment to accuracy and established procedures shapes the workflow and team dynamics within veterinary practices.

By leveraging the DISC personality framework, I reveal how diverse team members can not only coexist but excel under such meticulous guidance, offering strategies to bridge the gap between different working styles for a more adaptable and harmonious clinic environment.


  • Methodical leaders are highly effective in roles where accuracy, consistency, and quality are paramount, but they may need to work on embracing flexibility to foster a more supportive team environment.
  • Team members with different personality types may appreciate the methodical leader's structured approach and attention to detail but can become frustrated by a perceived lack of spontaneity, rigidity, or an overemphasis on tasks over emotional needs.
  • Open communication is key to navigating the challenges of working with a methodical leader. Team members should express their concerns respectfully while acknowledging the leader's dedication to following established procedures and maintaining high standards.

Join me as we celebrate the dedication of Methodical Leaders and explore practical tips to enhance teamwork, communication, and overall workplace harmony. 

Whether you're a Methodical Leader yourself or work alongside one, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to unlock the full potential of their veterinary team through a balanced approach that values structure, accuracy, and adaptability.

About DISC-Flow®
DISC is a research-backed and science-based personality profiling tool used to understand our behaviours, communication styles, and work preferences. It’s about understanding what makes you – and the people you work with – tick.

Julie South is a DISC Flow® Certified Trainer, who describes DISC-Flow® profiling as being like having a cheat sheet to better understand yourself and other people. When you know this, it helps you play to your personality strengths, work better in teams, and communicate better.

If you’re keen to find out what your personal DISC type is, what type of leader you are, or what your clinic’s team composition looks like, then get in touch with Julie to find out what's involved.

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Julie South [00:00:07]:
Methodical leaders. Today we're talking about the lead vet or the head nurse who loves systems and details because they want everything to be accurate and done the right way every time. They make sure that every task and process is done correctly and they want their team to do a great job by following the rules and paying attention attention to the details. They're the ones who make sure that everything is top notch and done in a logical way. Maybe you like a leader who gives you clear instructions and follows a step by step plan to get things done, or maybe you think their focus on structure and being careful all the time is too much and it holds you back. These are the trials and tribulations of working with a methodical leader. Stick with us as we give them a pat on the back for their dedication to accuracy and talk about ways to help them see their blind spots by encouraging them to be a bit more flexible and adaptable in how they lead their team. Thank you for tuning into the vet staff podcast where veterinary professionals can top up their resilient tanks, get their heads screwed on straight and get excited about going to work on Monday mornings again, just like you did when you were studying.

Julie South [00:01:38]:
This is episode 185 and I'm your show host, Julie south, certified disc trainer and veterinary resilience coach. The Vet staff podcast is powered by Vetstaff Limited, the recruitment agency on a mission to help vet clinics recognise, retain and recruit their dream team. We show clinics, vets and nurses how to crack the communication code that's unique to them so resilience skyrockets and people want to join and stay. You can find back copies of the Vetstaff this is the 6th in our exciting eight part series all about leadership styles based on the disc behavior and personality model. DiSc is a research backed and science based personality profiling tool used to understand our behaviours, our communication styles and our work preferences. It's about understanding what makes us and the people that we work with tick. So far we've looked at the dominant, the dynamic, the inspiring, the accepting and the perfectionist leadership styles. If this is the first time you've picked up this podcast, you might like to go back and listen to those episodes as well to see if you recognize yourself or your leader in any of those different scenarios.

Julie South [00:03:09]:
This week we're looking at the methodical leader's style, how to work with them, and what to say if you or when you are being triggered by them using the disc personality and the leadership framework methodical leaders are all about systems processes and doing things the right way. They keep their team on track with their logical thinking and their amazing eye for detail. The methodical leader in the disc leadership profile is a compliance type, a c type. They have a systematic, detail oriented and a task focused personality. Their way of leading is through structure and making sure everything is done accurately. They think they're helping their team by giving them clear guidelines and procedures to follow. They are analytical. They'll look at all the facts and data before making a decision.

Julie South [00:04:14]:
They take their time to get things done right. They are problem solvers. Their logical thinking helps them break down tough problems and find the best solutions. They are also detail focused. They pay close attention to every little thing to make sure that tasks and projects are done correctly and they are reliable leaders. They give clear instructions. They lead by example, which means that they show others how to do things the right way. Leaders with a methodical profile type can be really effective in roles where accuracy, consistency and quality are super important.

Julie South [00:04:59]:
However, they might need to work a bit on being a bit more flexible to keep their team happy and to continue working well together. Sometimes, because they are so focused on rules and procedures, they can be perhaps a bit stubborn and miss out on chances to adapt and try new things. They don't like conflict, so they'll do their best to solve any problems that come up quickly and they'll do it calmly. If you work with a head vet who always doubles checks every diagnosis and treatment plan because they believe in being precise and giving the best care possible to their patients, then you might be on a methodical leaders team. A methodical head vet nurse would be someone who keeps every part of the clinic organised and running smoothly because they're totally committed to creating a place where everyone follows the right procedures and then minimizes errors. But as you can probably guess, because they're so focused on structure and doing things by the book, this could sometimes mean missing out on opportunities to be a little bit more flexible or adapt to changes quickly. They might stick to the tried and true methods rather than being open to new ideas or approaches. Alrighty, so what's it like being on a team with a methodical leader? Let's take a look at each of the top level, each of the four main disc personality types to see how each might work really well with a methodical leader.

Julie South [00:06:44]:
So you might recognize yourself here and where things might start to get a little bit rocky. Now, if you are someone who's task oriented and likes to get things done quickly, so you might be a d type, a dominance type then for you, where things work really well with a methodical leader is that you'll appreciate the clear procedures and the logical way of doing things that your leader has because it helps you get things done fast. But things might start to break down. You'll likely get frustrated with their cautious decision making and their adherence to rules because for you, you'll see it as slowing things down. Remember, you are a fast pace, action oriented type of person. This means that you'll likely think that your methodical leader is possibly too rigid and maybe too risk averse, and this will hinder it will get in the way of your ability to make quick decisions and to seize opportunities as they come up right then, right there. If you are more of a people oriented person who still likes to move things along rather fast, so you're more of an influence type personality profile, you'll appreciate the clear expectations and the guidelines that your methodical leader has and gives because they'll give you a solid foundation to build the relationships and collaborate with your team which are really important to you. However, you'll likely get frustrated by the lack of spontaneity which we've just mentioned, and the emphasis on details because in your opinion, you will feel like your creativity is being stifled and it will maybe limit your ability to connect with people because you are so people.

Julie South [00:08:39]:
Focus. Overall, it means that you'll possibly think that your methodical leader is a bit too serious and doesn't fully appreciate the importance of personal connections and innovation the way that you do. If you are the type of person who loves stability, you value people and you want to make sure then everyone's perspective is considered. You are a steadiness profile, a steadiness personality type. Then you'll appreciate the structured environment and reliable processes that your methodical leader has and uses because for you they create a sense of security and they help minimize conflict within the team. However, you'll likely get frustrated by the constant and what feels like maybe never ending focus on tasks and details because in your opinion, it can overlook the emotional needs of the team and create a less supportive atmosphere. Which means that overall you'll probably think that your methodical leader is too task oriented and may not fully prioritize the well being and satisfaction of the team, which for you is a steady as she goes type situation. That's what you are after.

Julie South [00:10:01]:
Now finally, if you are a detail oriented, results driven and you like things done by the book, in other words, you're a compliance profile type, then you will appreciate the systematic approach and the commitment of accuracy because that your methodical leader has and loves because it aligns perfectly with your own meticulous work style and the high standards. Because the methodical leader has a very high compliance driver driving them just like you do, you'll likely find a strong sense of synergy and you'll mutually understand each other because you both are compliance driven. However, where things might break down is while you and your methodical leader will generally be on the same page, there could be the occasional disagreement when it comes to deciding which details or processes should take priority. However, these kind of disagreements are likely to be minor and you'll easily resolve them through logical discussion. Overall, it means that you'll probably think your methodical leader is highly competent and effective because you both share the commitment to quality, accuracy and following established procedures. You'll appreciate the structured environment and the focus on achieving results through careful planning and execution. We've just discussed some of the strengths and the potential growth areas for methodical leaders to consider as they interact with different personality and behavior types of people on their team. Now let's have a look at how each different personality type might be challenged by this leader.

Julie South [00:12:01]:
And then if this is where you find you, what you can say remember, tweak the words what you can say to find middle ground that works for both your strength and your leader's style. So let's start with the get it done type. Who wants fast results? Remember, I said that you'll be frustrated when your ability to make quick decisions and drive results is hamstrung, is hindered by what you see as an overly cautious approach by your leader. So this includes being asked to follow what you think are strict procedures and then maybe having your decisions thoroughly analyzed. Or you face resistance to taking risks for the sake of adhering to established methods. So you could be feel like that you're being hamstrung and not being able to be innovative because your leader wants to follow established procedures and methods. So you might feel impatient, you might feel restricted, you might think that you're missing out on opportunities and you're getting bogged down in the details. Or you might think that your leader is constantly questioning you about what you're doing.

Julie South [00:13:19]:
If that sounds right for you, then you can say something along the lines of remember, change the words to suit you. You could say something along the lines of I value your systematic approach, but I'm worried that a focus on following procedures is causing us to miss out on key opportunities. Can we find a way to balance structure with the need to act decisively and to seize these opportunities then or, or, and end. If you are the fast acting collaborator, the influence type, the eye type for you, you might feel triggered and stifled. When a highly structured and a task oriented environment limits your ability to express your ideas freely and connect with others, you are a people person, being in situations where the emphasis is on following rules rather than encouraging creativity, or where formalities take precedence over creating a lively and a collaborative or collegial atmosphere for you that is particularly challenging. You might feel discouraged. You might feel uninspired. Your thoughts might go along the lines of my creative ideas are being overlooked or the team's energy is being drained by all these procedures and systems.

Julie South [00:14:52]:
If that is how you are thinking, or what you might be feeling, then for you you can say something like this. Your commitment to accuracy is something I admire. However, I feel that we could get better results if we had more opportunities for collaboration. Could we set aside some time for open discussions and brainstorming without the pressure of sticking to established methods and procedures? Please. Now, if you are the steady as you go, people focused team member who likes direction so you can plan so you're the steadiness, you're the s type profile, then you might be triggered by what you perceive perceive as an overemphasis on tasks and procedures that doesn't take into account the emotional well being of the team or the value of consistent effort. High pressure demands for adhering to what you think are overly strict protocols without enough time for consideration or adequate support for you can be rather stressful, particularly stressful. You might feel undervalued, you might feel overwhelmed. You might think along the lines of the team's effort isn't being recognized unless everything is being done by the book.

Julie South [00:16:16]:
Or you might think, perhaps we're always under pressure to avoid any deviations from established procedures. If that's you, if that's how you are thinking, then what you could say is something along the lines of, I respect the importance of following established methods. However, I'm noticing signs of stress in the team. Could we explore ways to ensure that everyone's efforts are acknowledged and that we maintain team support while still sticking to the necessary procedures? Please. Right now, if you are the detail oriented, results driven team member who appreciates the thorough planning of your methodical leader because you and they are c types, your compliance types, then for you. You generally appreciate the methodical approach, but you might be triggered when there's a reluctance to consider alternative solutions or improvements to existing processes. Situations where you are discouraged from analyzing and optimizing these procedures to improve could be frustrating for you. You might feel a bit limited.

Julie South [00:17:35]:
You might start to think that you could be missing out on opportunities to enhance processes or procedures. You might start to think that you wish you had more freedom to explore potential improvements. If that's you, then you could say something along the lines of, I really appreciate your commitment to accuracy and following established methods. I was wondering if we could set aside some time to review our current procedures and see if there are any areas where we could optimize or streamline things without compromising our standards. I hope you found this helpful as a way to understand yourself just a teeny tiny, incy wincy dinky little bit better and how you might relate to someone who has the methodical personality leadership style next week we are going to look at the modest leader. They are described as those who are ethical, conscientious, reliable and practical. So remember to click that follow button on your podcast app of choice so you don't miss out on that episode. Have you ever wondered what makes you tick? Taking the disc personality profile assessment gives you that information, plus how to gel better with other people.

Julie South [00:19:06]:
For leaders, you'll discover your leadership style and your strengths. When everyone in your clinic is assessed. Your team's collaboration will go through the roof because everyone understands everyone else better. Interested to learn more? Then get in touch. Julie co dot NZ congratulations on getting this far. You're part of an elite group of listeners who have made it all the way to the end. I'm going to assume you've liked what you've heard. Therefore, can you do me a favour please and help spread the vet staff podcast love.

Julie South [00:19:47]:
All you have to do is share it with three of your veterinary friends who maybe you think are losing their mojo, or your clinic manager. Because you can see that what we've talked about today will be beneficial in your clinic. Thank you. Doing that will help rekindle the veterinary passion that you all had when you started studying and you can go back to being excited about going to work on Monday mornings. Again, thank you. This is Julie south signing off and inviting you to go out there and be the most fantabulous, resilient and empowered version of you you can be. The vet staff podcast is proudly powered by comma, the new and innovative global Job Board reimagining veterinary recruitment connecting veterinary professionals with clinics that shine online. is your go to resource for finding the perfect career opportunities and helping vet clinics power up their employer branding game.

Julie South [00:20:50]:
Visit today to find vet clinics that shine online so veterinary professionals can find them.