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Dr Karli Houston - Marathon Running Fundraising Small Animal Veterinarian
Dr Karli Houston - Marathon Running Fundraising Small Anima…
Dr Karli Houston is a marathon running, fundraising, companion animal veterinarian. Karli was born in the US to two kiwi parents. Karli has…
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April 12, 2022

Dr Karli Houston - Marathon Running Fundraising Small Animal Veterinarian

Dr Karli Houston - Marathon Running Fundraising Small Animal Veterinarian

Dr Karli Houston is a marathon running, fundraising, companion animal veterinarian.  

Karli was born in the US to two kiwi parents. 

Karli has a raft of qualifications behind her … she studied biology and theatre arts at the Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania, then Human Nutrition at the University of Maryland before moving to Palmerston North and to complete her Bachelor of Veterinary Science at Massey. 

Since graduating from Massey in 2012, Karli’s worked at Franklin Vets in Auckland, New Zealand.  Her favourite areas of practice are rehabilitation and working dogs. 

Karli has since gone on to complete her CCRP certification - (Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner) through the University of Tennessee. 

Karli Houston is a vet, a mum of two, a wife, a daughter and a marathon runner.

Today, Karli shares what she loves and doesn’t love so much, about being a small animal veterinarian.

Why she chose the Queenstown Marathon.

What made her realise why she’s a far better vet than a race director.

Why she chose Not One More Vet?

And how she got through what felt like Groundhog Day of Lockdown in Auckland last year.

At about the 35-minute mark the topic of suicide is discussed for a few minutes, so if you think you might be triggered, please fast forward at that point through to about the 38 minute mark.    

If that could be you, I’ve tagged the point with a few seconds of the Paws Claws Wet Noses theme music – so listen out for that … that’s your cue to fast forward to about the 38 minute mark.

If you have colleagues who’ve done something inspirational like Karli has, I’d loooove to chat with them on Paws Claws Wet Noses so that others can be inspired just like you.   

Come back next week because I’m chatting with another inspirational vet – Dr Krispin Kannan – a large animal vet who’s also a husband, dad and all-out really neat guy.

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