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Dr Paul Unsworth - what determines a good vet and a good vet clinic - pt 2 - ep 111
Dr Paul Unsworth - what determines a good vet and a good ve…
What makes a "good" veterinarian and/or a "good" veterinary clinic. Today Dr Paul Unsworth challenges me - Julie South - with specificity…
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Dec. 13, 2022

Dr Paul Unsworth - what determines a good vet and a good vet clinic - pt 2 - ep 111

Dr Paul Unsworth - what determines a good vet and a good vet clinic - pt 2 - ep 111

What makes a "good" veterinarian and/or a "good" veterinary clinic.   Today Dr Paul Unsworth challenges me - Julie South - with specificity.   

As he says, "good" and "bad" aren't easily classified.

If getting fit is on your to-do list for 2023, then stay tuned to the end to find out how to save $500 on an ebike.

Today, UK-qualified New Zealand locum veterinarian, Dr Paul Unsworth talks about and reflects on:

·       What determines a “good” vet

·       What determines a “good” clinic

·       Some of the “best” medical advances he’s seen over the course of his career

·       His favourite gadget?   [Hint:  it’s a type of endoscope – have you used this specific type of endoscope?]

·       Should vets specialise (lower case “s”) such that pet owners would then take their pets to different clinics according to the specialisation / interest of a clinic?   And………..

·       Pet Insurance – how to increase NZs take-up rate of pet insurance in kiwi clinics.

In 2023 the NZVA turns 100
If you'd like to name a nomination for the 2023 NZVA Awards, entries close on 03/03/2023.

Entry categories are:

  • Outstanding Services Award
  • President’s Award 
  • Honorary Life Membership  Award
  • Veterinary Impact Award
  • Young Veterinarian Award
  • Veterinary Business Excellence Award
  • Antimicrobial Resistance – the AMR – Award 
  • And the new award – the Environmental Sustainability Award

For more info - NZVA website.

How to save $500 on an ebike

Is getting fit on your plan for 2023 and/or you’ve been thinking about buying an ebike then your NZVA membership entitles you to a $500 saving on any full priced KTM, Gepida or Haibike e-bike at Electrify NZ or $300 off any full priced Black or SmartMotion e-bike.

Companion Animal Vacancy at Vet Marlborough - contact Julie South or Isobel Cooper for more info.

How to get more bang for your recruitment advertising buck
This is what VetStaff is really good at so if you'd like to stretch your recruitment dollar, please get in touch with Julie because this is something VetStaff can help you with.

How to shine online as a good employer
If you’d like to shine online as a good employer to attract the types of veterinary professionals who're a perfect cultural fit for your clinic please get in touch with Julie because this is something VetClinicJobs can help you with.

Revive Your Drive - daily 2-minute videos for employers and employees to revive their drives at work and at home.

Follow Julie's behind the scenes - social media posts
Most days Julie South shares a behind the scenes post via Facebook, ...