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From Burnout to Living Life to the Full - Companion Animal Veterinarian - Dr Jade Hackney - pt 2 - ep108
From Burnout to Living Life to the Full - Companion Animal …
This is the second in the multi part series where Companion Animal Veterinarian Dr Jade Hackney shares her path to living life to the full …
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Nov. 22, 2022

From Burnout to Living Life to the Full - Companion Animal Veterinarian - Dr Jade Hackney - pt 2 - ep108

From Burnout to Living Life to the Full - Companion Animal Veterinarian - Dr Jade Hackney - pt 2 - ep108

This is the second in the multi part series where Companion Animal Veterinarian Dr Jade Hackney  shares her path to living life to the full as a healthy and loving, long-term life partner and fully engaged veterinarian.

Dr Jade talks about:

  • the moment she and her life partner realised they no longer wanted to work fulltime in jobs they didn't enjoy to pay someone else's mortgage;
  • their journey to owning their own home in their 30s - mortgage-free;
  • what 'living life to the full' means to Jade;
  • living the dream with 'pinch yourself moments' each day;
  • the freedom available to you when you start something with a Beginner's Mind and how knowing how something should be done can be an impediment;
  • living the WWOOF lifestyle for a while;
  • how vet clinics can employ part timers and be better off for it;
  • how it's easier to blame others, but that's not what being emotionally intelligent is;
  • how it's important - critical! - to focus only on what you can control - your own thoughts and feelings - and not worry about what you can't - other people's thoughts or feelings.

Listen to the first part of the conversation - episode 107.

 If you're a vet or vet nurse considering your next vet job (locum or permanent) in New Zealand the team at VetStaff is here to help.

Companion Animal Vacancy at Vet Marlborough - contact Julie South or Isobel Cooper for more info.

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