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Harness the power of "values" to up the ante on your recrui…
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June 27, 2023

Harness the power of "values" to up the ante on your recruitment marketing - ep 139

Harness the power of

Ready to revolutionise your vet clinic's recruitment process and say goodbye to low engagement, high turnover, and skyrocketing costs?

Discover the secret to transforming your employer brand and boosting your clinic's success as we dive into the importance of values alignment, transparency, and a values-driven culture in ep 139 - The Power of Values.

Join us on this enlightening journey as we follow the experiences of Dr. Chris, a talented veterinarian seeking a new opportunity, and learn how aligning employer and employee values can lead to higher job satisfaction and more successful clinics.

We'll discuss the critical role of transparency in the recruitment process and explore how being open about your clinic's values can help build a strong, cohesive team.

Get ready to power up your employer branding game, attract the perfect team members for your clinic, and explore as a valuable resource in finding the perfect career opportunities.  

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Speaker 1:

Are you sick of struggling to attract the right staff? Are you ready to stop wasting valuable resources on ineffective recruitment advertising? Today we're unlocking the power of values to alleviate the pain of low engagement, high turnover and skyrocketing recruitment costs. However, how stating your clinic's values can transform your employer brand and revolutionise your recruitment efforts. Get ready to discover how recruitment reimagined, can help bring relief to your hiring challenges. Welcome to the Vet Staff Podcast, your go-to guide for navigating the vet recruitment scene and boosting employer brand power. Discover practical strategies for both employers and employees to enhance your personal and clinic brands. Get ready to rock the recruitment market and create an exciting workplace where everyone loves going to work. On Monday mornings. I'm your show host, julie South. Welcome to Episode 139, the Power of Values, where we explore the crucial role of values in employer brand recruitment marketing. Today, we delve into the importance of aligning the values of both employers and employees. So let's jump right in. Firstly, transparency plays a crucial role in the recruitment process, especially when it comes to values. It's essential, therefore, for employers to be clear in stating your clinic's values to job seekers. Similarly, it's important for job seekers to know what's important to you before applying for a job. Let's explore why transparency in values is so critical for both sides of the recruitment fence. For employers, openly expressing your values sets the foundation for building a strong and a cohesive team As a clinic. When you clearly state your values, you attract candidates and job seekers who resonate with those values. This ensures you're not just hiring employees based on skills alone, but also on shared beliefs and principles. I'm sure you can relate to a situation where you've hired someone and it's been an absolute match made in heaven, and or the opposite is true, where the new hire maybe that was you just did not fit in at all. When you're all aligned. You don't have to be all alike, but when you're all aligned, there's a sense of purpose as well as stronger employee engagement, which in turn, leads to higher productivity and a dream positive work environment where everyone loves going to work on Monday mornings. When clinics are fully transparent about their values, it means that you can also set realistic expectations for job seekers. When job seekers have a clear understanding of a clinic's values, before applying for a job, they can evaluate whether their own beliefs align with those of the clinic. This empowers job seekers to make informed decisions about their career choices and it saves both the clinic and the job seeker from potential mismatches and future headaches and heartache down the track. On the job seeker side, knowing what's important before applying for a job means you can prioritize your own values and you can look for and seek environments where you can thrive As a job seeker. When you know and you're aware of what your personal values are, you can actively look for clinics that actively and proactively reflect those values. This not only ensures a better fit between the job seeker and the clinic, but it enhances job satisfaction and overall well-being for everyone, given the consequences if transparency in values is neglected or overlooked. If a vet clinic fails to communicate its values, then job seekers end up with an incomplete information about what the clinic truly stands for. And I'm not talking about the wishy-washy. We strive to provide good healthcare for our patients type of generic vanilla type statement, because that's why every clinic is in business. It is right, you're there to provide good health care. What I'm talking about here are the values that make a difference, and we'll look at these in a bit more in depth in a minute. When there's a mismatch in values, it leads to misaligned expectations, it results in a poor cultural fit and then, as I mentioned, you get headaches and heartaches. Similarly, when job seekers aren't aware of what their own values are, they may unknowingly apply to clinics that don't align with their core beliefs, resulting in dissatisfaction and a total lack of fulfillment in their days when they go to work. Values alignment is one of the foundations of good recruitment decision making. Imagine, for example, a vet clinic with a clear set of core values that guides its every decisions and actions. These values reflect its culture, the way it treats its employees and the level of care it provides to its patients. In a competitive industry like the vet sector, establishing a strong employer brand that's built on shared values is the foundation for attracting and retaining dream team members. So let's just explore how values alignment plays a crucial role in employer branding and recruitment. To illustrate, let's meet Dr Chris. Dr Chris is a talented vet who's seeking a new opportunity, and explore three differences, three different experiences across three different clinics clinic A, clinic B and clinic C. Clinic A is committed to providing exceptional patient care, fostering teamwork and prioritizing work life balance. Clinic B is one of those clinics that doesn't publicly talk about its values other than a generic vanilla statement about being committed to animal health care, and clinic C is committed to excellence, innovation and community involvement. Dr Chris, a compassionate and committed vet, believes in patient centered care, also believes in collaboration and continuous learning. As Dr Chris embarks on their job search, they're not just looking for a clinic that offers competitive remuneration and benefits. Dr Chris wants to find a job where their values align with the clinic's values. Let's look at clinic A. Known for its values driven approach, clinic A prominently displays its commitment to providing exceptional patient care, fostering teamwork and prioritizing work life balance. Dr Chris is immediately drawn to clinic A because they've uncovered testimonials from staff members praising the supportive and the collaborative environment they work in. Dr Chris can envision working in such a values driven clinic. Now we've got clinic B. Unfortunately, clinic B doesn't make any mention or reference to values on its website. While clinic B may offer great services and facilities, dr Chris finds it challenging to assess the cultural fit and wonders if the clinic's values align with their own. This lack of values, communication, no staff testimonials or anything about what the clinic stands for leaves Dr Chris unsure about what it would be like to work at clinic B. And then, lastly, we've got clinic C. This clinic is big on showcasing its values and excellence, its innovation and its community involvement. Dr Chris appreciates the emphasis on staying at the forefront of veterinary medicine and giving back to the local community. These values resonate deeply with Dr Chris's personal and professional aspirations, making clinic C an attractive option. In this scenario, both Dr Chris and the clinic's experience different outcomes based on values alignment. Clinic A, with its strong values driven culture, appeals to Dr Chris, fostering a sense of belonging and job satisfaction. Dr Chris can see themselves working there and having a fulfilling career at clinic A, motivated by shared values. On the other hand, clinic B's lack of values other than the generic vanilla statement communicates uncertainty for them, for Dr Chris. Without a clear set of values for Dr Chris to align to, they may hesitate to pursue an opportunity there, questioning even if their values and career aspirations would be fulfilled at the clinic. This misalignment, or perceived misalignment, can hinder that clinic's ability to attract and retain someone like Dr Chris. Clinics C, with its strong emphasis on excellent innovation and community involvement, aligns perfectly with Dr Chris's values. This alignment creates a powerful connection and makes Clinics C a top contender in Dr Chris's job search. They're excited about the potential to contribute their skills and grow alongside like-minded colleagues. Through these examples, we can see how values alignment impacts both the employee and the employer, the clinic. In actuality, clinics B might have been a good fit, but who knows? Because they didn't do anything to differentiate themselves, as an employer from all the other clinics looking to attract Dr Chris's attention, maybe just maybe their job advertisements might have missed the mark. Dr Chris might have overlooked Clinics B entirely. When values are clearly communicated and shared, it creates a solid foundation for a thriving workplace where employees feel connected, motivated and inspired to contribute their best. As an employer, consider the impact of your Clinics values on attracting and retaining the Dr Chris's of this world. You need to clearly articulate and demonstrate your values to create a compelling employer brand that resonates with the type of employees you want to attract. And employees, if you're looking to make your next mark, your next career move, make sure that you prioritize finding a clinic that shares your values to ensure a sense of purpose and fulfillment in your professional journey. Let's now dive a little bit deeper into the significance of creating a values-driven culture by examining how Dr Chris's experiences differ at Clinics A, b and C. At Clinics A, where exceptional patient care, teamwork and work-life balance are deeply ingrained in the clinic's culture, dr Chris feels an immediate sense of belonging. During the interview process, they witnessed the clinic's values in action, as team members walk the talk and collaborate seamlessly. It's obvious that everything Dr Chris saw about the values the clinic stood for was actually true. They walked the talk. This alignment resonates with Dr Chris. It reaffirms their desire to work in an environment that values collaboration, growth and a supportive atmosphere. Meanwhile, dr Chris decided to apply at Clinics B and takes this journey. This clinic takes a different turn, with no clear articulation of values beyond the generic statement about being committed to animal welfare. Dr Chris struggles to gauge whether the personal values of the team do actually align with those of the clinic and whether their own Dr Chris's own personal values are in alignment as well. The lack of a values-driven culture leaves them uncertain about the work environment and the potential for professional growth. This misalignment raises doubts about the long-term compatibility between Dr Chris and Clinics B. Now let's look at Dr Chris's experience at Clinics C, where a commitment to excellence, innovation and community involvement shapes the clinic's values-driven culture. As Dr Chris interacts with the team during the interview process, they witness firsthand the clinic's dedication to staying at the forefront of veterinary medicine and making a positive impact on the community. The alignment between Dr Chris's personal values and Clinics C's values create the sense of excitement and purpose, propelling them to envision a fulfilling career where they can contribute to this clinic's mission. From the employer's perspective, the absence of a values-driven culture can have significant implications. Clinics A, with its strong emphasis on teamwork, growth and work-life balance, attracts professionals like Dr Chris who share these values. This alignment fosters a collaborative and supportive work environment. It fuels employee motivation and it fuels and stimulates productivity. This clinic, clinic A, is unlikely to attract someone to their job advertisements who doesn't share those values. However, at clinic B, where the values aren't clearly communicated, the lack of clarity and direction can lead to challenges in employee engagement and satisfaction. Dr Chris considers clinic B as a potential workplace but struggles to connect with the clinic's mission and purpose due to the absence of values. They don't know what they stand for. This disconnect can hamper their motivation and overall job satisfaction, if they even go so far as to apply for a job there in the first place. On the other hand, clinic C's commitment to excellence, innovation and community involvement attracts professionals like Dr Chris who are eager to make a difference. The strong alignment between Dr Chris's personal values and clinic C's values creates the sense of purpose of driving enthusiasm and a dedication to their work. So, just to quickly recap, creating a values driven culture is absolutely critical. It's pivotal for both employers and employees. With clinic A, with an emphasis on exceptional patient care, teamwork and work life balance, they create an environment where Dr Chris feels inspired and supported. Clinic B lack of clearly articulated the vanilla one, the generic one, leaves Dr Chris questioning whether their fit within the clinic would actually work. And then, lastly, clinic C's commitment to excellence, innovation and community involvement aligns perfectly with Dr Chris's values and it fuels their motivation and commitment to that clinic's mission. Okay so, knowing all of this, what can your clinic do to help increase your attractiveness to job seekers whose values match yours? You can make sure, firstly, that all of your values are mentioned on your clinic's website and in the profile statements of all your social media marketing profiles. You can also go to vetclinicjobscom and create a free clinic business directory listing. Vetclinicjobscom has been designed to help good vet clinic employers shine online and be found by job seekers who are looking to make their next career move. You can create a free employer directory listing at vetclinicjobscom. Those clinics with premium listings can enhance their profiles with lots more features, one of those of which is being able to include your clinic's values. So, looking at these three clinics again Clinics A, b and C Clinics A can use the value section at vetclinicsjobscom to enhance their employer brand marketing by clearly stating their core values, such as collaboration, compassion and work-life balance. They could provide a brief description of each value, explaining how it's reflected in their daily operations and their team culture. This clarity, and then providing examples of what it looks like in day-to-day work-life, will help job seekers understand Clinics A's ethos and help them get an idea of whether it aligns with their own values. By including and providing real-life examples, it helps set them apart from the likes of Clinics B and C. They can share stories or testimonials from team members that highlight instances of collaboration, compassionate care and work-life balance, and this helps potential job seekers like Chris, like Dr Chris, imagine themselves being part of a supportive and harmonious team. Clinics A can also include photos, visual elements, photos into the value section to enhance their impact. For example, they can include photos or videos that showcase the team working together or being with patients. But please, if you're going to do that. Do it more than just photos of vets or nurses cuddling animals or being in the wards in cages. Make them action-type photos that prove the value of what's being emphasised, as well as photos of their team members outside of work or other ways that they're able to have a healthy work-life balance. I'm sure you've heard the saying that a picture says a thousand words, so that's why including photos or videos as part of your values statement is really powerful. With Clinics B, they can provide detailed descriptions, which is more than they've got right now detailed descriptions of their values, such as, for example, innovation, education and patient-centered care. They can explain how each of these values drives their approach to veterinary medicine, their research and their client interactions. What this clarity does is it gives job seekers an understanding of the clinic's commitment to staying at the forefront of advancements in the medical field. To maximise the benefit, clinics B could highlight their expertise and any educational opportunities that they've experienced or offered that relate to their values. They could mention any specialised certifications or training programs that they offer to the staff. This demonstrates that they are dedicated and committed to CE, continuous education and CPD continuous professional development with their team And it makes them an attractive choice for the job seekers who do prioritise growth and staying updated in their field of expertise. Clinics B could also include testimonials and case studies from clients or team members that illustrate the impact of their values. These stories can highlight the instances where, for example, their innovative approaches or patient-centered care resulted in successful outcomes or extraordinary experiences for their patients. This creates credibility and it helps build trust in their clinic as an employer brand among potential job seekers. Right Clinics C, what they can do is leverage the value section on vet clinic jobs to enhance their employer brand marketing by. Let's say, they can focus on creating an emotional connection by highlighting their values of empathy, continuous learning and the support of teamwork that they have. They can describe how their team members embody these values in their interactions with both animals, their colleagues and their clients By emphasizing the compassionate and supportive nature of their work environment. This clinic will appeal to job seekers who value empathy and collaboration. They can further maximize it by showcasing various staff development programs they offer to foster continuous learning. They could mention the opportunities for skill enhancement for the any mentorship programs they've got or different conferences that they attend, and this demonstrates their commitment to professional growth and it encourages job seekers seeking an environment that prioritizes ongoing education. And while we're there, as an aside, in talking about staff development, there's another section that Clinics C could also take advantage of inside vetclinicsjobscom, and that's to make sure that they tick the new graduate development program box if they have a dedicated new graduate development program or mentorship system in place at their clinic. Right back to values, clinics C could highlight their involvement in the community and volunteer initiatives that align with their values. They could talk about the partnerships that they have, what they've done and what outcomes they've helped achieve. Doing this showcases their dedication to making a positive impact beyond their clinic walls, which in turn attracts job seekers who are equally passionate about community involvement. Vetclinicsjobscom makes it easy for clinics to enhance their employer brand so they can shine online and attract the types, attract the types of veterinary professionals that they want. So therefore, if you haven't done so, i'd like to invite you now to go and create your clinics business listing at vetclinicsjobscom. It's absolutely free. At the same time, as an employer, you can advertise any jobs that you've got there for free as well. There aren't any catches to free. All that's different between a free and premium listings are just the number of enhancements available. If you are an employee looking for your next job, then please visit vetclinicsjobscom and well, firstly, get clear on what your values are So you know when you find the clinic that embodies those for you, and then go check out what clinics on vetclinicsjobscom embody those same values as well. I hope you found this helpful. Being clear in your values and what you stand for as a person and as a clinic is absolutely critical to being on a team where you enjoy going to work on Monday mornings. If you've got any questions, please sing out and please check out vetclinicsjobscom as a job seeker and as an employer. This is Julie South signing off and thanking you for spending the last half an hour or so of your life with me. I do appreciate your time. Please take care and God bless. The Vet Staff podcast is proudly powered by vetclinicsjobscom, the new and innovative global job board reimagining veterinary recruitment, connecting veterinary professionals with clinics that shine online. Vetclinicsjobscom is your go to resource for finding the perfect career opportunities and helping vet clinics power up their employer branding game. Visit vetclinicsjobscom today to find vet clinics that shine online, so veterinary professionals can find them. Visit vetclinicsjobscom.