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Leadership 101 pt 2 – Managerial, Transformation & Charismatic Leadership Styles
Leadership 101 pt 2 – Managerial, Transformation & Charisma…
Have you ever been drawn to follow a charismatic or transformational Lead Vet or Head Nurse to their next job? If so, you likely understand…
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March 7, 2023

Leadership 101 pt 2 – Managerial, Transformation & Charismatic Leadership Styles

Leadership 101 pt 2 – Managerial, Transformation & Charismatic Leadership Styles

Have you ever been drawn to follow a charismatic or transformational Lead Vet or Head Nurse to their next job?

If so, you likely understand first-hand how a leader's style can influence their team members' interactions and overall performance. 

In this Leadership 101 series, we continue to delve into the different types of leadership styles. 

Today we look at the nuances of managerial, charismatic and inspirational leadership

We’ll explore how to recognise and understand how each of these different leadership works best in different situations.   

For Autocratic or authoritarian leadership, Democratic or participative leadership, and/or Laissez-faire or delegative leadership listen to episode 122

Companion Animal Vacancy at Vet Marlborough - contact Julie South or Isobel Cooper for more info.

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