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Pawsitively Impressive: Leveraging Employee Testimonials for Vet Clinic Employer Branding 101 - ep 128
Pawsitively Impressive: Leveraging Employee Testimonials fo…
Are you a veterinary clinic owner, HR, or Practice Manager struggling to recruit and retain top performers? Or maybe you're a veterinary pr…
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April 11, 2023

Pawsitively Impressive: Leveraging Employee Testimonials for Vet Clinic Employer Branding 101 - ep 128

Pawsitively Impressive: Leveraging Employee Testimonials for Vet Clinic Employer Branding 101 - ep 128

Are you a veterinary clinic owner, HR, or Practice Manager struggling to recruit and retain top performers? 

Or maybe you're a veterinary professional on the hunt for your next career move? 

Either way, this episode is for you! 

We're diving into Vet Clinic Employer Branding, the power of employee testimonials to showcase the best clinics in town and how they can help you find the good employers.

As a veterinary clinic owner, attracting more, and retaining the top performers you’ve already got, is critical to the success of your practice. 

In today’s highly competitive veterinary industry, it’s essential to differentiate your clinic from others – especially that one down the road - by showcasing your unique culture, values, and work environment. 

One effective way to do this is by leveraging employee testimonials and case studies.

And if you’re the veterinary professional looking to make your next move, you’ll want to know what it’s like to work at a clinic you’ve got your eye on.  

This week’s episode is for you – whether you’re the employer or the employee – because we’re looking at employee testimonials as a way to showcase the best clinics in town. 

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