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Situational Leadership Mastery - Cracking the Leadership Code 101 - pt 4
Situational Leadership Mastery - Cracking the Leadership Co…
Whether you’re looking to improve your leadership skills or interested in the impact of effective leadership at your vet clinic, today’s 10…
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March 21, 2023

Situational Leadership Mastery - Cracking the Leadership Code 101 - pt 4

Situational Leadership Mastery - Cracking the Leadership Code 101 - pt 4

Whether you’re looking to improve your leadership skills or interested in the impact of effective leadership at your vet clinic, today’s 101 Guide to the Situational Leadership Model is for you.

Discover how to tailor your leadership style to fit just about any situation to achieve greater team success.

Four Situational Leadership Styles:

  1. Directing
  2. Coaching
  3. Supporting
  4. Delegating

Pros of Situational Leadership Styles

  • Flexibility
  • Team development
  • Improved communication
  • Higher staff motivation

Cons of Situational Leadership Styles

  • Time consuming
  • Can be difficult to implement
  • Can lead to lack of clarity
  • Has potential for inconsistency

Skills required to be effective

  • Assessment
  • Adaptation
  • Communication
  • Empathy

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