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The Culture-Positive Approach: How Quality of Life Powers Recruitment Success - ep 131
The Culture-Positive Approach: How Quality of Life Powers R…
Want to improve job satisfaction and attract high-performing employees? You need to prioritise Quality of Life in your Workplace . This Cul…
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May 2, 2023

The Culture-Positive Approach: How Quality of Life Powers Recruitment Success - ep 131

The Culture-Positive Approach: How Quality of Life Powers Recruitment Success - ep 131

Want to improve job satisfaction and attract high-performing employees?

You need to prioritise Quality of Life in your Workplace

This Culture-Positive concept is gaining popularity.  

But what is it exactly and how does it benefit both employees and employers? 

Stay tuned as we explore the benefits of Quality of Life in your Workplace, how it can be your clinic’s recruitment superpower and how it can enhance your professional life. 

We look at the original six Quality of Life in the Workplace Factors from the mid-20th Century and how you can make them relevant for life and work in today's 21st Century. 

Companion Animal Vacancy at Vet Marlborough - contact Julie South or Isobel Cooper for more info.

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