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The Distinction between Equality and Equity for Cost Effective Veterinary Recruitment
The Distinction between Equality and Equity for Cost Effect…
Equality vs Equity for Cost-Effective Veterinary Recruitment Here are 10 distinct ways "equity" is different to "equality" in the veterinar…
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Feb. 7, 2023

The Distinction between Equality and Equity for Cost Effective Veterinary Recruitment

The Distinction between Equality and Equity for Cost Effective Veterinary Recruitment

Equality vs Equity for Cost-Effective Veterinary Recruitment

Here are 10 distinct ways "equity" is different to "equality" in the veterinary clinic workplace.

We look at how you can address those differences to make you a more attractive PEOPLE.FIRST employer.   Being a PEOPLE.FIRST employer will make retention and recruitment of high calibre veterinary professionals much (much!) easier… and more cost effective!

To make it easier for you to remember all the different components I've invented the anagram DUB OFF PAPA :-)


Distinction / Definition: Equality is about treating everyone the same, whereas equity is about treating everyone fairly based on their individual needs. 

Understanding Needs: Equality assumes that everyone has the same needs, while equity recognises that different people have different needs. 

Bias: Equality assumes that everyone starts from the same place and has the same opportunities, but this is not always the case. Equity takes into account systemic biases and strives to address them. 


Outcome: Equality aims to provide the same outcomes for everyone, while equity seeks to provide fair and just outcomes based on individual circumstances.  

Fairness: Equality may lead to unfair outcomes, while equity seeks to address and correct these outcomes. 

Focus: Equality focuses on treating everyone the same, while equity focuses on creating fair and just outcomes.


Personalisation: Equality provides a one-size-fits-all approach, while equity allows for customisation and personalisation. 

Allocation of Resources: Equality gives everyone the same resources, while equity gives everyone what they need to be successful. 

Power Dynamics: Equality does not take into account power dynamics, while equity works to redistribute power and create a level playing field. 

Access: Equality provides access to the same opportunities for

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