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Vet and Vet Clinic Immigration New Zealand matters | visas | MIQ | ep 051
Vet and Vet Clinic Immigration New Zealand matters | visas …
When it comes to matters "immigration" in New Zealand there are all sorts of changing scenarios - almost weekly. Licensed Immigration consu…
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Oct. 19, 2021

Vet and Vet Clinic Immigration New Zealand matters | visas | MIQ | ep 051

Vet and Vet Clinic Immigration New Zealand matters | visas | MIQ | ep 051

When it comes to matters "immigration" in New Zealand there are all sorts of changing scenarios - almost weekly.

Licensed Immigration consultant Katy Armstrong of IntoNZ chats with Julie South about what's news. 

Here's what Katy and Julie talked about:

Julie's petition to have two MIQ spaces allocated each week to vets issued visas by Immigration NZ

  • Is the median wage expected to change?    If so: 
    • What difference is that going to make and when does it kick in?
  •  For vets wanting their Permanent Residency what:
    • Visa do they need to be on to get that?
    • When can they start applying? 
    • Who’s eligible?   
    • Is it just a visa or is there an entry date / arrival date criteria too?
  • Long Term Skills Visa – is that still a thing?
  • Skilled Migrant Visa – what is that?   Does this apply to vets?
  • What are processing times, do you know?
  • How many vets have so far been approved under the “June 50”?
  • How many vets have been approved this year?
  • Do you know how many vets per annum are usually approved in normal times (ie, pre-pandemic)?  
    • Do you know what we’re averaging 2020 and 2021?
  • What else do vets and/or vet clinics need to know as at today?

Katy's website - IntoNZ
2021 Residence Visa that Katy mentioned
Book a chat with Katy

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Companion Animal Vacancy at Vet Marlborough - contact Julie South or Isobel Cooper for more info.

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