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Vet Clinic Employee Engagement - pt 2 - 7 questions to ask in line with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Vet Clinic Employee Engagement - pt 2 - 7 questions to ask …
So far, we’ve looked at the cost of employee turnover – episode 64 – how to lower the cost of churn – employee turnover by starting an Empl…
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Feb. 1, 2022

Vet Clinic Employee Engagement - pt 2 - 7 questions to ask in line with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Vet Clinic Employee Engagement - pt 2 - 7 questions to ask in line with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

So far, we’ve looked at the cost of employee turnover – episode 64 – how to lower the cost of churn – employee turnover by starting an Employee Retention Investment Fund at your clinic.

Last week we looked at the 5-P questions – Pride + Place + Possibility + Permanency + Propel  

Today we’re looking at the next series of seven survey questions - in line with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - you can ask your team – or yourself – to check the State of the Nation at your clinic.  

This episode is especially for PM, HR and Regional Managers who want to get a bit of a feel for how aligned your team is to your clinic’s brand, vision and mission … in other words, your clinic’s raison d’être.

If you’re the owner or principal of a vet clinic and similarly want to know how aligned and/or affiliated your team is to your clinic’s brand, vision and mission – your raison d’être – then this is for you as well.

And if you’re a vet or a nurse at a clinic who knows that you’re not quite 100% fully engaged… fully committed to your clinic’s brand, vision and/or mission, then this could help pinpoint what’s missing for you at your clinic and/or what needs to change for you so that you can recommit or quit.

This is the third in the multi-episode series focussed on helping vet clinics recruit and retain top performing vets and vet nurses and then how to attract more vets and vet nurses like them and to help vets and nurses know what to look for when / if they’re making their next professional move so they get to work at an Employer of Choice Vet Clinic.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is used to study how humans intrinsically partake in behavioural motivation. 

Maslow used the terms "physiological", "safety", "belonging and love", "social needs or esteem", and "self-actualisation" to describe the levels through which human motivations generally move.

Maslow's idea was fully expressed in his 1954

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