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Vet Clinic Employee Engagement - the 5P questions - ep 065
Vet Clinic Employee Engagement - the 5P questions - ep 065
Vet Clinic Employee Engagement Index Questions The second of a multi episode series focussed on helping vet clinics retain the top performi…
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Jan. 25, 2022

Vet Clinic Employee Engagement - the 5P questions - ep 065

Vet Clinic Employee Engagement - the 5P questions - ep 065

Vet Clinic Employee Engagement Index Questions

The second of a multi episode series focussed on helping vet clinics retain the top performing vets and vet nurses in your clinic and then how to attract more vets and vet nurses just like them.

Recent Employment Relations Authority determination around Restraints of Trade

If you’ve been listening to Paws Claws & Wet Noses for a while you’ll have heard me comment quite a few times that Restraint of Trade clauses can stand up in a court of law provided they’re worded correctly… just this week there was a high-profile case with a journalist who made the headlines – Tova O’Brien.   

O’Brien took the dispute to the ERA – the Employment Relations Authority – which involved a three-day hearing - after mediation failed.   

She lost her ERA case with her former workplace - and was ordered to pay $2,000.

O'Brien contested a restraint of trade clause in her contract with Discovery, would prevent her from launching her new breakfast talk radio show at MediaWorks for three months.

She argued to the ERA that her soon-to-be role as a breakfast radio host is not similar to her role as political editor on TV3.

The contractual clause is based on the notion that O'Brien is teaming up with a direct competitor of Discovery's Newshub.

The ERA ordered O'Brien to comply with modified terms of restraint of trade and to pay $2000 for "breaches of her employment agreement".

Employee Engagement Index Questions / Statements

– or proud – your team takes pride in working at your clinic

Place – your clinic – proud to work at their place of employment

Possibility – they’re not considering other possibilities

Permanency – they see themselves a permanent fixture for the next two or so years

Propel – or propulsion - they’re personally propelled – internally motivated - to give their best

  1. I'm proud to work at this vet clinic
  2. I would recommend this vet clinic as a great pla
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Companion Animal Vacancy at Vet Marlborough - contact Julie South or Isobel Cooper for more info.

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