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Vet Clinic Employee Turnover - how to calculate the real cost - ep 064
Vet Clinic Employee Turnover - how to calculate the real co…
Vet Clinic Employee Turnover Costs & Composition Today’s show is the first of a multi episode series focussed on helping vet clinics retain…
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Jan. 18, 2022

Vet Clinic Employee Turnover - how to calculate the real cost - ep 064

Vet Clinic Employee Turnover - how to calculate the real cost - ep 064

Vet Clinic Employee Turnover Costs & Composition

Today’s show is the first of a multi episode series focussed on helping vet clinics retain the top performing vets and vet nurses in your clinic and then how to attract more vets and vet nurses like them.

Specifically, today, we’re going to be looking at the cost – because it is - of employee turnover.  I think the numbers might surprise you – because we’re going to be talking in real terms. 

When you lose a team member it comes with a very definite measurable COST.  

The only time losing a staff member can be regarded as an investment is when it’s the case of one bad apple contaminating the rest of the barrel;   one team member whose rotten attitude is at risk of causing everyone else on your team to leave.

The following points / questions are answered today:

How would your team answer the  weekend BBQ "what do you do" question?

Vet clinics that pay high and disrespect their staff are bribing them

It takes years to turnaround a bad employer brand reputation

Employee Turnover | Employee Engagement

How to calculate your vet clinic's employee turnover ratio

Replacement Components of Employee Turnover

Departure components of employee turnover

Cost of Departure Gap

Different components of Cost of Employee Turnover

Create Employee Retention Investment Fund 

One resignation leads to more 

Language of Appreciation in the Workplace 

False economy to skimp with onboarding 

Opportunity Cost 

Loss of vet clinic or institutional knowledge

Start developing your Vet Clinic Employer Brand

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