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Vet Clinic Employment Law 101 - Constructive Dismissals + Personal Grievances + Workplace Bullying
Vet Clinic Employment Law 101 - Constructive Dismissals + P…
Vet clinics experience high staff burnout, high staff turnover, some (sadly) have reputations for allowing toxicity within the team to cont…
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Dec. 7, 2021

Vet Clinic Employment Law 101 - Constructive Dismissals + Personal Grievances + Workplace Bullying

Vet Clinic Employment Law 101 - Constructive Dismissals + Personal Grievances + Workplace Bullying

Vet clinics experience high staff burnout, high staff turnover, some (sadly) have reputations for allowing toxicity within the team to continue, infect and affect everything that happens inside that clinic.

Constructive Dismissals

  • What conditions need to be met for the Employment Court or Tribunal to confirm constructive dismissal took place,
  • Two questions that need to be answered,
  • What remedies are available 
  • A couple of examples of Constructive Dismissal which have been upheld in court and
  • What being "disadvantaged" at work means
  • Triangular situations

Employment Personal Grievances

  • What a Personal Grievance case looks like
  • The process for initiating a personal grievance (PG)
  • Mediation - where to get it for free and what to do if it doesn't work

Workplace Bullying

  • Different types of bullying and what they could look like
  • Employer's responsibility to keep employees safe from harm at work
  • What workplace bullying is and what it's not - direct
  • What workplace bullying is and what it's not - indirect

Safety at work is everyone's responsibility

Links mentioned in today's podcast

Worksafe NZ Reporting and Assessment Forms


That all VetMed professionals deserve to work in the clinic of their dreams where they're respected and valued.

That Employers of Choice deserve to attract and have the best highly-motivated, proactive, enthusiastic and engaged professionals working for them.

There are some recruiters who’d sell their own grandmother to an employer that’d make her life miserable – that’s not VetStaff – believe it or not there are, sadly, vet clinics in NZ that we won’t work with – no matter how much they paid us – because of how they treat their teams.  Unfortunately, that list is growing. 

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