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Vet Clinics and the pandemic - are patients being treated better or worse (pt 2) + doggie dancing with Dr Paolo Lencioni - ep 054
Vet Clinics and the pandemic - are patients being treated b…
Dr Paulo Lencioni – a companion animal vet turned computer coder turned practising accountant specialising who now works with vet clinics t…
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Nov. 8, 2021

Vet Clinics and the pandemic - are patients being treated better or worse (pt 2) + doggie dancing with Dr Paolo Lencioni - ep 054

Vet Clinics and the pandemic - are patients being treated better or worse (pt 2) + doggie dancing with Dr Paolo Lencioni - ep 054

Dr Paulo Lencioni – a companion animal vet turned computer coder turned practising accountant specialising who now works with vet clinics to grow their practices answers the question “The impact of the pandemic – vet clinics are busier – but are we treating our patients better or worse?”

If you haven’t listened to the first part yet, then I recommend you do because it gives context to today.   

We continue with the findings in the report commissioned by Profit Diagnostics – one of Paulo’s businesses – together with Virtual Vet Nurse – one of Dr Steve Merchant’s  initiatives.  [Dr Steve Merchant founded IndieVets]

The report’s entitled “The impact of the pandemic – vet clinics are busier – but are we treating our patients better or worse?”

You can get your free copy of the report here.  

Today we talk about:

  •  what Paolo’s most profitable client clinic is doing that others aren’t which includes removing psychological ceilings and judgements on what clients will spend;
  • some easy to deal to in-clinic inefficiencies that will help improve both profitability and reduce stress for nurses and vets
  • and something totally left field – how doggie dancing helps calm reactive and angry dogs – I never knew doggie dancing was such a thing but Paolo and his wife take on problem dogs and turn them around – he shares what that looks like for the dog and them.
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