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Vet Salary Data + Chocolate Tuesday Winner + Conservation with Dr Jane Ough - pt 2 of 3 - EP 088
Vet Salary Data + Chocolate Tuesday Winner + Conservation w…
VETERINARY CLINIC SALARY DATA Dr Mark Hosking , CEO of Franklin Vets, is a member of the NZVAs Veterinary Business Branch – the VBB. At the…
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July 5, 2022

Vet Salary Data + Chocolate Tuesday Winner + Conservation with Dr Jane Ough - pt 2 of 3 - EP 088

Vet Salary Data + Chocolate Tuesday Winner + Conservation with Dr Jane Ough - pt 2 of 3 - EP 088


Dr Mark Hosking, CEO of Franklin Vets, is a member of the NZVAs Veterinary Business Branch – the VBB.   

At the recent NZVA Conference he introduced BBVet, an Australian company which runs a series of surveys tailored to the New Zealand veterinary profession. 

Clinics that contribute to the data, will have access to high quality benchmarking information to be able to make meaningful decisions in their businesses.     

Having quality, reliable data enables business owners to drive better business decisions.    For example, 

  • When it comes to wages and salaries – are you in the race or totally off the pace?
  • Fees survey – make sure you don’t get left behind! And 
  • Profit and expenses survey – can you do better?

If your clinic contributes to this data, you’ll be able to participate in, and receive benchmarking information from, a series of professional and independently run surveys tailored to the New Zealand veterinary profession and you can have all of this info for the very reasonable monthly subscription of just $69pm.   

The only way you can access the info is by contributing to the surveys and you'll be able to:

  • Have the option to participate in any survey that the NZVA and BBVet offers
  • Get access to interactive graphics and scenario planning, and if you want it,
  • Get access to a hard copy PDF report

 The Veterinary Business Branch of the NZVA has worked with BBVet to ensure the survey structure and questions are suitable for the New Zealand veterinary market.   

You can “cut and dice” the data - for example by species or region.   Obviously, the more participants there are, the more valid and useful the information will be.

And just in case you’re wondering, the NZVA has been in touch with the Commerce Commission.   The Association has received general advice that it’s acceptable to run this survey, providing the information is not promoted or used as a way to organise price fixing or collusion.   

The NZVA may use the information gathered to foster conversations in the advocacy space.
The only people who will be able to see your individual data will be BBVet, who need to do so for administration purposes. 

The NZVA will be able to access macro information only (no site-specific information) which will be important for its advocacy work.   

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