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Veterinary Sector Recruitment Predictions 2023 - 113
Veterinary Sector Recruitment Predictions 2023 - 113
These 8 predictions are in no order of priority as they’re all important. #1 - vet clinic employer branding #2 - job sharing and genuine pa…
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Dec. 27, 2022

Veterinary Sector Recruitment Predictions 2023 - 113

Veterinary Sector Recruitment Predictions 2023 - 113

These 8 predictions are in no order of priority as they’re all important.

#1 - vet clinic employer branding

#2 - job sharing and genuine part time roles

#3 – how remuneration is “packaged”

#4 - veterinary nurse job satisfaction

#5 – the really good employers will get better and the vet clinic employer brand divide will widen

#6 – personalisation in recruitment will be crucial - AI – artificial intelligence and computerised recruitment bots will be used more and more, which will, ironically, make recruitment in this sector harder

#7 – recruitment will have a seat at the management table in its own right

#8 – investment in retention

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Companion Animal Vacancy at Vet Marlborough - contact Julie South or Isobel Cooper for more info.

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