brought to you by VetStaff - NZs only specialist recruitment agency
WORD POWER - how one small word can undermine your authority & leadership - ep 090
WORD POWER - how one small word can undermine your authorit…
One small word - four different situations when you probably don't even realise you're using it + examples of how to swap to a statement mo…
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July 19, 2022

WORD POWER - how one small word can undermine your authority & leadership - ep 090

WORD POWER - how one small word can undermine your authority & leadership - ep 090

One small word - four different situations when you probably don't even realise you're using it + examples of how to swap to a statement more empowering and powerful (without being bossy or aggressive).

A world first (as far as we can tell) initiative from VetStaff - we're looking for pilot veterinary clinics to be part of our Beta Launch. 

You don't have to be an existing VetStaff client to participate.   If you want to DIY your own recruitment then this new initiative is perfect for you.   To find out more email

Everyone and everything we do at VetStaff is underpinned by two core beliefs.  

The first is that we believe all veterinary professionals deserve to work at a vet clinic job of their dreams where they’re respected and valued.  

The second is that all vet clinics deserve to have engaged and motivated employees working for them who love Monday mornings.  

If that sounds like the type of recruitment agency you’d like to work with, then please check us out at 

Companion Animal Vacancy at Vet Marlborough - contact Julie South or Isobel Cooper for more info.

How to get more bang for your recruitment advertising buck
This is what VetStaff is really good at so if you'd like to stretch your recruitment dollar, please get in touch with Julie because this is something VetStaff can help you with.

How to shine online as a good employer
If you’d like to shine online as a good employer to attract the types of veterinary professionals who're a perfect cultural fit for your clinic please get in touch with Julie because this is something VetClinicJobs can help you with.

Revive Your Drive - daily 2-minute videos for employers and employees to revive their drives at work and at home.

Follow Julie's behind the scenes - social media posts
Most days Julie South shares a behind the scenes post via Facebook, ...